Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics, or orthognathic surgery, is a specialized branch of orthodontics that addresses severe jaw discrepancies and facial irregularities that cannot be fully corrected through braces or other orthodontic treatments alone. It involves a collaborative approach between an orthodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to plan and execute comprehensive treatment. Surgical orthodontics is typically recommended for patients with significant skeletal issues, such as severe overbites, underbites, crossbites, or facial asymmetry, affecting dental alignment and aesthetics. The process begins with orthodontic treatment to align the teeth as much as possible, followed by surgical repositioning of the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both to achieve proper alignment and harmony of the facial structures. This treatment approach improves the bite and function of the teeth and enhances facial balance and appearance, leading to improved oral health and overall well-being for the patient. 

The Purpose of Surgical Orthodontics 

Correction of Jaw Misalignments 

Surgical orthodontics is designed to properly align the upper and lower jaws. Conditions such as severe overbites (where the upper jaw protrudes excessively), underbites (where the lower jaw protrudes forward), and crossbites (where the jaws do not align correctly) can be corrected through surgical repositioning of the jaw bones. 

Improvement of Bite Functionality 

By aligning the jaws correctly, surgical orthodontics improves the overall function of the bite. This includes enhancing chewing efficiency and speech clarity and reducing the risk of jaw joint problems (temporomandibular joint disorders, or TMJ). 

Enhancement of Facial Aesthetics 

Many patients seek surgical orthodontics to improve their facial appearance. Correcting jaw discrepancies can restore facial balance and symmetry, creating a more harmonious facial profile. 

Treatment of Facial Asymmetry 

Individuals with noticeable differences in the size or position of their jaws often benefit from surgical orthodontics to achieve a more balanced and proportionate facial structure. 

Resolution of Breathing Issues 

Sometimes, jaw misalignments can contribute to obstructive sleep apnea or other breathing difficulties. Surgical correction can help alleviate these issues by improving airway passages and nasal breathing. 

Long-term Stability 

Surgical orthodontics aims to provide lasting results. Addressing the underlying skeletal issues reduces the likelihood of relapse and maintains the corrected bite and facial aesthetics over the long term. 

The Process of Surgical Orthodontics 

Comprehensive Evaluation 

The treatment begins with a thorough assessment by an orthodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. This evaluation includes facial and dental X-rays, photographs, and 3D imaging to analyze the severity of the jaw discrepancy and develop a personalized treatment plan. 

Orthodontic Preparation 

Before surgery, the patient undergoes traditional orthodontic treatment to align the teeth as much as possible. Braces or other orthodontic appliances move the teeth to optimal positions within the dental arches. 

Surgical Planning 

Once the teeth are sufficiently aligned, the orthodontist and surgeon collaborate to plan the surgical procedure. This involves detailed simulations and models to position the jaws for optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes. 

Orthognathic Surgery 

The surgery itself is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Depending on the patient's specific needs, the surgeon will reposition the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both. Surgical techniques may include cutting and repositioning the bones, removing or reshaping excess bone, or modifying the position of the jaw joints. 

Recovery and Post-Surgical Orthodontics 

After surgery, the patient undergoes a healing period, during which orthodontic treatment continues to refine the bite and tooth alignment. This phase helps to ensure that the teeth fit together correctly and that the final aesthetic and functional goals are achieved. 

The Benefits of Surgical Orthodontics 

  • Surgical orthodontics effectively addresses severe overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites that significantly impact the alignment and function of the jaws. The treatment restores proper alignment by surgically repositioning the jaw bones, improving bite function and oral health. 
  • Beyond functional improvements, surgical orthodontics aims to enhance facial harmony and aesthetics. By correcting jaw discrepancies and asymmetries, the surgery can achieve a more balanced facial profile, which boosts self-confidence and overall facial appearance. 
  • Proper jaw alignment through surgical orthodontics enhances chewing efficiency, speech clarity, and overall bite function. Patients often experience an improved ability to bite and chew food comfortably, reducing strain on the jaw joints and muscles. 
  • Some patients with jaw misalignments may experience breathing difficulties, including obstructive sleep apnea. Surgical orthodontics can help by repositioning the jaws to improve airway passages and reduce the severity of breathing problems, leading to better sleep quality and overall health. 
  • Unlike some orthodontic treatments that may require ongoing maintenance, surgical orthodontics aims to provide permanent results. By addressing the underlying skeletal issues, the surgery reduces the risk of relapse and ensures long-term stability of the corrected bite and facial structure. 
  • For many patients, surgical orthodontics improves dental and facial aesthetics and enhances overall quality of life. The ability to eat, speak, and confidently smile contributes to a positive self-image and enhanced social interactions. 

Surgical orthodontics represents a specialized approach to correcting severe jaw discrepancies and enhancing facial aesthetics and function. Visit Dental Specialists of New York PC at 150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155, 110 York Street Brooklyn, NY 11201, or 476 48th Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11220, to discover how surgical orthodontics can enhance both your bite functionality and facial aesthetics, providing long-term stability and improving your overall quality of life. You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (212) 661-2192.


150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
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110 York Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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476 48th Street 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11220

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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