Itero Scanner

Itero Scanner

The iTero Scanner is an advanced digital scanning technology in orthodontics and dentistry that creates highly accurate 3D images of a patient's teeth and gums. It replaces the traditional method of taking physical impressions using molds or putty. The scanner utilizes a wand-like device to capture detailed images of the oral structures, generating precise digital models that can be used for treatment planning, such as orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners like Invisalign. This technology enhances patient comfort by eliminating the discomfort associated with traditional impressions and improves efficiency and accuracy in creating custom dental restorations and aligners, leading to better treatment outcomes. The digital scans can be viewed in real time, allowing orthodontists to make immediate adjustments and communicate treatment plans effectively with patients. 

Applications in Orthodontics 

Digital Impressions

The iTero Scanner replaces traditional methods of taking dental impressions with digital technology. Using a handheld wand, it captures highly accurate 3D images of a patient’s teeth and gums. This eliminates the need for messy impression materials and trays, providing a more comfortable experience for patients, especially those with a sensitive gag reflex. These digital impressions are precise to within microns, allowing orthodontists to create detailed models for treatment planning. 

Invisalign Treatment

Digital scans produced by the iTero Scanner are integral to the Invisalign treatment process. They enable orthodontists to create customized clear aligners that fit precisely over the patient’s teeth. The 3D models generated by the scanner help visualize the initial tooth positions and plan the gradual movements required to achieve optimal alignment. This technology ensures that each aligner set is tailored to the patient’s specific dental anatomy, enhancing treatment accuracy and effectiveness. 

Orthodontic Assessments

The detailed 3D images obtained from iTero scans allow orthodontists to assess the patient’s teeth, gums, and occlusion comprehensively. Orthodontic specialists can analyze tooth morphology, identify alignment issues, assess bite relationships, and evaluate oral health. This information is crucial for developing personalized treatment plans that address specific orthodontic concerns and achieve desired treatment outcomes. 

Treatment Planning and Simulation

iTero Scanner software facilitates real-time visualization and manipulation of digital models on a computer screen. Orthodontists can directly simulate treatment outcomes, such as tooth movement and alignment changes, on the 3D models. This interactive approach enables clinicians to discuss treatment options with patients more effectively and involve them in decision-making. Patients benefit from clearly understanding their treatment goals and expected results before treatment begins. 

Monitoring Progress

Throughout orthodontic treatment, iTero scans are used to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. Periodic scans allow orthodontists to track tooth movement, assess treatment compliance, and ensure the treatment plan progresses. Comparing sequential scans helps detect deviations from the treatment plan early, allowing timely interventions to optimize outcomes. 

Customized Appliances and Retainers

Digital impressions obtained with the iTero Scanner are also used to design and fabricate various orthodontic appliances, such as retainers, space maintainers, and expanders. The precise digital models ensure these appliances fit comfortably and effectively, supporting treatment objectives. Customized appliances improve patient comfort and compliance while promoting optimal dental health outcomes post-treatment. 

Patient Education and Engagement

The visual nature of 3D digital models enhances patient education and engagement throughout the orthodontic journey. Orthodontists can use the iTero Scanner to illustrate treatment plans, demonstrate predicted outcomes, and explain oral health conditions to patients clearly and accessiblely. This interactive approach fosters patient understanding, confidence, and cooperation, improving treatment adherence and satisfaction. 

How Does It Work?

Using optical scanning technology, the iTero Scanner captures thousands of images per second of the patient’s teeth and soft tissues. The wand emits a harmless laser light onto the teeth, recording the surface contours and dimensions. As the wand moves around the mouth, the scanner automatically stitches together these images to create a comprehensive 3D model in real time. This process ensures accuracy to within microns, far surpassing the precision of traditional impressions. 

The Benefits of the iTero Scanner

  • Say goodbye to uncomfortable trays filled with gooey impression material. The iTero Scanner offers a non-invasive and painless experience, reducing anxiety and discomfort for patients, especially those with a sensitive gag reflex. 
  • The iTero Scanner produces highly precise digital scans, capturing every detail of teeth and soft tissues. This accuracy translates into better-fitting dental restorations, braces, and clear aligners like Invisalign. 
  • Orthodontists can instantly view the 3D digital models on a computer screen, allowing for immediate assessment and adjustments. This capability facilitates efficient treatment planning and enhances patient communication regarding oral health and treatment options. 
  • Digital scans eliminate the need for physical impressions to be shipped to dental laboratories, speeding up the fabrication process for dental appliances and reducing overall treatment times. 
  • The detailed 3D models generated by the iTero Scanner enable orthodontists to plan treatments more accurately. From designing personalized aligner trays to assessing occlusion and bite relationships, the scanner provides valuable insights contributing to successful treatment outcomes. 

The iTero Scanner represents a significant advancement in orthodontic care, combining cutting-edge technology with patient-centered benefits. Visit Dental Specialists of New York PC at 150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155, 110 York Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, or 476 48th Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11220, to discover how iTero's precision, comfort, and efficiency can transform your orthodontic treatment journey. You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (212) 661-2192.


150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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110 York Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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476 48th Street 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11220

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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