Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures performed in the oral cavity and surrounding structures by dentists or oral surgeons. These procedures can involve the mouth's teeth, gums, jawbones, and soft tissues. Common dental surgeries include tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, gum surgeries (such as periodontal flap surgery), jaw surgeries (orthognathic surgery), and surgical treatment of oral diseases or trauma. Dental surgery aims to treat conditions that cannot be managed through non-surgical means, restore oral health and function, alleviate pain, and improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and face. The procedures may involve local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity and extent of the surgery. 

Types of Dental Surgeries 

Tooth Extractions

This is one of the most common dental surgeries involving tooth removal due to severe decay, trauma, overcrowding, or infection. Simple extractions involve visible teeth, while surgical extractions may be necessary for impacted or broken teeth. 


  • Eliminates pain and discomfort associated with a problematic tooth. 
  • Removes a potential source of infection that could spread to adjacent teeth or gums. 
  • Creates space for orthodontic treatment in cases of overcrowding. 
  • Prepares the mouth for dentures or dental implants. 

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often require surgical extraction due to impaction, causing pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. 


  • Addresses potential complications such as impaction, which can cause pain and increase the risk of infection. 
  • Eliminates the risk of overcrowding and misalignment of adjacent teeth. 
  • Reduces the likelihood of gum disease and decay in the surrounding teeth. 

Dental Implants

These are surgical fixtures placed into the jawbone to support artificial teeth (crowns, bridges, or dentures). Implants provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth and promote bone preservation. 


  • Provides a long-term and durable replacement for missing teeth. 
  • Stimulates jawbone growth and prevents bone loss that occurs with missing teeth. 
  • Restores natural chewing ability and improves speech. 
  • Enhances smile aesthetics and boosts confidence. 

Gum Surgeries

Periodontal surgeries such as gum grafts, flap surgery, or pocket reduction procedures are performed to treat gum disease (periodontitis) and restore gum health. 


  • Removes bacteria and tartar buildup from deep pockets around teeth. 
  • Covers exposed tooth roots and prevents further recession. 
  • Promotes healthier gums and reduces the risk of tooth loss. 

Orthognathic Surgery

This corrective jaw surgery addresses skeletal abnormalities, misalignments, or facial disproportion to improve chewing, speaking, and facial aesthetics. 


  • Enhances chewing, speaking, and breathing. 
  • Corrects facial asymmetry and improves overall facial appearance. 
  • Can alleviate obstructive sleep apnea by repositioning the jaws. 

Root Canal Surgery (Apicoectomy)

When a root canal treatment fails to resolve infection, an apicoectomy involves removing the infected tip of the tooth's root and sealing the root canal. 


  • Eliminates persistent infection and prevents its spread to surrounding tissues. 
  • Saves a tooth that would otherwise require extraction. 
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort associated with an infected root. 

Surgical Treatment of Oral Pathologies

This includes biopsies and surgical removal of oral tumors, cysts, or lesions to diagnose and treat potentially serious conditions. 


  • Provides timely diagnosis and treatment of potentially serious oral conditions. 
  • Removes abnormal growths and improves prognosis. 
  • Minimizes impact on chewing, swallowing, and speech. 

The Importance of Dental Surgery 

Pain Relief

Dental surgery can alleviate chronic or acute dental pain caused by severe tooth decay, impacted wisdom teeth, or infections. Removing the source of pain through procedures like tooth extractions or root canal surgeries can provide immediate relief. 

Improved Oral Function

Procedures like dental implants, orthognathic surgery, and gum surgeries can restore proper oral function by correcting bite alignment, replacing missing teeth, or treating gum disease. This improvement allows for better chewing, speaking, and overall oral comfort. 

Prevention of Further Damage

Addressing dental issues promptly through surgery can prevent complications such as the spread of infection, damage to adjacent teeth, or progression of gum disease. This proactive approach helps preserve oral structures and reduces the need for more extensive treatments. 

Enhanced Aesthetic Appearance

Dental surgeries like dental implants and orthognathic surgery improve oral function and enhance smile aesthetics. Replacing missing teeth, correcting jaw alignment, or treating gum recession can significantly boost confidence and self-esteem. 

Long-term Oral Health Benefits

Many dental surgeries, such as root canal treatments, apicoectomies, and periodontal surgeries, aim to preserve natural teeth and gum tissues. This preservation contributes to long-term oral health by preventing tooth loss and bone loss and maintaining overall dental integrity. 

Customized Treatment Plans

Dental surgery is often part of a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each patient's specific needs. Dentists and oral surgeons collaborate to develop personalized strategies that address individual concerns and goals, ensuring optimal outcomes. 

Restoration of Facial Symmetry

Orthognathic surgery, which corrects severe jaw misalignments, can improve facial symmetry and balance. This not only enhances aesthetics but also improves function and comfort. 

Improved Quality of Life

Dental surgery can greatly enhance the quality of life by resolving dental issues and restoring oral function and aesthetics. Patients experience reduced pain, improved confidence in their smile, and the ability to enjoy a wide range of foods comfortably. 

Dental surgery is vital in treating many dental conditions and improving oral health and well-being. For the best dental care, visit Dental Specialists of New York PC at 150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155, 110 York Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, or 476 48th Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11220. You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (212) 661-2192.


150 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10155

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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110 York Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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476 48th Street 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11220

Phone: (212) 661-2192


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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